Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i have emotions?

all i really want :

new car &
new blackberry &
new scenery &
new furniture &
new people &
new boobs &
new outlook.

i need a vacation.

i also need to stop listening to certain songs on repeat.
it never turns out well.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


im bored at work.
if i posted the other pictures ive taken today, well lets just say id be embarrassed.

cooking crack.

culinary school starts soon.
which means miami is coming soon.
which means i can begin to get nervous.

lately ive been noticing that a lot of chefs have cooking blogs.
ill probably start one too.

i want to bake today.
but which ones?

3 different recipes, 3 different looks.

shrimp tempura. spicy salmon.

thursday, friday, sunday, monday & probably today.
ive eaten sushi all of these days.
sushi is addicting.
its ridiculously good after a blunt.
i want some now but theyre not even open yet.

thank me later.

you can put it in the living room.

im in need of this.
i want it to hang in my living room.

where can i get a decent quality print of this?


i had to laugh for a second.
had to check myself,
get my macking back in perspective.
i slack for a second but im back,
no question;
like i walk with a cane
"aint no half-steppin"...

yes, ive posted that before.
but its much more evident today.

"ima stay that bitch."

-word to lil kim

remember the times.

what kind of fuckery is this?

while re-listening to back to black for the thousandth time, ive come to realize amy's musical capabilities havent even been highlighted yet. sure she's dropped two mind blowing, thorough albums, but the last one's hints of alcoholism clouded the tainted masterpiece. for the past two years, she's been on a downward spiral. we've all shared a laugh or two at her expense. but in all seriousness, i hope she cleans her shit up. as i can attest, love can make you do some crazy shit.
but forealsies amy, come back

how could you not love a smile like this?

Monday, April 28, 2008

ramble, ramble.

my blackberry almost always smells like marijuana.
i think i need all new jay z cds because mine dont play in my car.
sometimes i feel like a nympho.
ive been craving food from jerrys deli, in miami.
im bored with life right now.
sometimes i really wish i could sit still.
there are at least 5 more body modifications ill be getting within the next month.
im beginning to smoke too much. not necessarily too often but too much at a time.
i miss a few people.
i should have kept my mouth shut, like i always do.

dude definitely has a sick, but extremely talented mind.
buy me some, please :)

li wei

clever white people.

saw this a while ago.
stumbled upon it.
tis hilarious

boston who?

so some mahfucka wants to test my gangster.
people love trying to bet against me;
but in the end, they always lose!

eh, ill be one dub richer.

"roll with the winners."


hbd to my bah;
my brother,
my confidant,
my oldest friend.

im smoking a blunt in your honor right now sir.



Wednesday, April 23, 2008


id go gay for her.

ive been a good girl too...

so my brother is graduating college next month.
my parents are getting him some 5 series bmw.
which is sick.
maybe i can get this ring.
designed by pharell & camille (blason for louis vuitton), this shit is crack.
it neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds to be on my right hand.
its so cute.

new boo.

well theres a new man in my life.
hes around 7 pounds.
hairy as fuck.
cute as a button, with a face only i could love.
his underbite is adorable.
& most importantly, he loves me unconditionally.

pictures coming soon.


whos tryna go to tahiti with me next year?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

leave chris alone!

all sorts of wrong.

super high me.

i didnt even celebrate 4:20 because my lungs needed a day off.
but this guy... well just watch.


dubya tee eff?

either someone is better than i am at photoshop,
or i need to live out my childhood dream of becoming a vet.


aside from that whole cocaine fiasco, this bitch is still fierce.
spanish vogue ftw.


dude is a beast.

damn i miss when sunday nights on HBO used to be the shit.

rumor has it the boys will be back in september.

facebang status.

how high was i?
youre the thousandth guy
that came around thinking we could see eye to eye.
we on a different echelon.
coulda got bread together
now you gets deaded on.

so keep dreamin...

Monday, April 21, 2008


gucci crisis adverted.
thanks b :)

i may have dodged that bullet, but it got me thinking
about needs & wants.
i spend monies like there is no tomorrow.
its ridiculous for someone my age to do so, but
like i always say
"you cant take it with you when youre gone".

i was hoping that would justify some huge
upcoming purchases, but it wont.

before i spend an absurd amount of money, i do NEED:

-a haircut
-a new camera
-blackberry curve (if sprint would stop holding it hostage)
-to buy presents (graduation & mothers day)
-more summer clothes

that little list totals at least 2 Gs.
god damn im expensive.

maybe i should wait on that bmw...

why must i be an impulsive shopper?

please talk me out of buying this.
within the next 5 minutes.
please hurry.

i love boobs.

:lol. what was she thinking with these braids?

moving on, are her teets real?

this picture makes me think theyre real.
but then again, theyre a bit too perfect.


common courtesy.

im in need of new stationary.
i love these.
i wish they had more to choose from though.
buy me.

fashion mens.

we've already visited my obsession with mr. jacobs,
but here are 2 more eye-appetizing fashion gurus.

most parson's graduates are hot.

decisions, decisions.


which one will i want to play with less?

shopping list.

i need this top for my next beach outing.
hot shit.


for a lovely weekend retreat.

Friday, April 18, 2008

waiting for toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

catch up on the hills.
watch the new episode of desperate housewives.
download musics that ive missed.
maybe unpack my suitcases.

after i do all of this, it will be 11p.
we all know what happens around 11p ;-)

word to kanye?

my b calls it my
"glow in the dark tour edition crapberry".
but i likes it. a lot.

oscar is a girl.

when i was little, i wanted to be a veterinarian.
then i realized i didnt want to go to school.
but seeing this makes me wonder what could have been...

she cant fly, but shes adorable.